Boys' Stockade Program Highlight

On Saturday March 28, our Stockade boys and families traveled to Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Landenberg, PA to participate in the annual Shape 'N Race competition with four other area churches. After two months of designing and building the cars, all enjoyed watching the race while building relationships with old and new friends.  Thank you to Chris Schreier and Eric Stratton, our Stockade leaders, and all the dads that helped with the cars!

2015 Women's Retreat MP3's: Nancy Guthrie

On Friday evening, March 13, we welcomed Nancy Guthrie as she spoke to a group of women from area churches. On Saturday, Nancy spoke at our one-day Women's Retreat as well. Feedback from the weekend was fantastic, and if you were unable to make it but would like to hear the messages (or if you simply want to hear them a second time!), you can now do so below. Thank you to Nancy and to everyone who attended or helped make this weekend happen!

While we are unable to provide the audio for the Friday night message, "When God Says No," here is a link to the same message given by Nancy to another group.

2015 CEFC Women's Retreat

A one-day women's retreat on Saturday, March 14 at Community Evangelical Free Church.

This retreat is reserved for women who are attendees of Community Evangelical Free Church. If you are not part of CEFC but would still like an opportunity to hear Nancy Guthrie speak, we are hosting a public event on Friday evening, March 13, and you may click here to register for that event.

Ladies, join us as we take a break (just one day this year) to refresh, refocus, and enjoy one another during a day of learning, discussion, and prayer.  Our speaker, Nancy Guthrie, will be sharing with us from the Old Testament books of Ruth, Esther, and Hosea. We'll look at three women who needed a redeemer, how he was there for them, and how he's there for us in our need.

On the day of the retreat, arrive at the church between 8:00 and 9:00 AM when a delicious continental breakfast will be laid out for you.

Nancy's first session will begin promptly at 9:00. Session times will include worship, speaker presentation, and small group discussions.

Lunch is included and will be a great time for fellowship.

We'll complete the program around 5:00, but please plan to stay if you can for the optional afterparty including dinner and party games.

Our speaker, Nancy Guthrie

“God has been preparing me my whole life for teaching his Word,” says Nancy. “He has blessed me with so many sound Bible teachers—from my college Bible classes, to Bible Study Fellowship leaders, gifted pastors in my church, and authors I worked with during twenty-five years with various Christian publishers—as well as the excellent teachers I listen to on my iPod while walking in the park.”

But the most important way God has prepared Nancy is by giving her a love for him and his Word. “I want to figure out who he is and what he’s doing. God’s Word is a treasure to be mined. The deeper I go, the more I see its wisdom, the more it authenticates itself and reveals to me the amazing story of God’s plan of redemption through Jesus Christ.”

Nancy’s life experience of the death of two children has also significantly affected her teaching and formed in her an openness and authenticity that inclines people to listen. “I’ve had to dig into God’s Word for answers about God and how he works, and the women I’m addressing often have the same questions.”

Nancy and her husband, David, and son, Matt, make their home in Nashville, Tennessee. In addition to speaking at conferences around the country and internationally, she and David are the co-hosts of the GriefShare video series used in over 12,500 churches. They also host Respite Retreats for couples who’ve experienced the death of a child. Nancy is pursuing a master’s degree from Reformed Theological Seminary Global.

Mid-Week Men's Class

Our mens Wednesday night Bible study begins on January 7 at 7:00pm. "Every Man a Warrior" book #1 covers the essential skills of discipleship. Skills to develop: Having a Quiet Time, Meditating on Scripture, Prayer, and Application of the Word. If you are interested in previewing the lesson and audio, go to

Meets in the church sanctuary. All men are welcome -- no need to sign up ahead of time!

Sonship classes beginning in January - limited space!

Sonship is a deep gaze into the blessings and privileges of being a child of the King.

Each day has enough trouble of its own. It is not the same thing to say that living a peaceful life is living an easy life. Living in the freedom and confidence of being God's child replaces fear and anxiety with hope and joy in the midst of life, not apart from it.

Would you like to be part of a small group who will explore the riches of God's grace that he has lavished on us with all his wisdom and insight?

Sonship 2015 begins on Tuesday evening, January 6 from 7-9pm, and runs for 16 weeks. There are still a few seats remaining. To sign up, send an email to Al Kimball ( The cost is $30. Class is limited to 16 (give or take one or two) on a first come, first-served basis. Don't wait! Don't be late!

A Better December

Tired of the holiday rat race? Know someone who's really struggling at this time of year? King Solomon did, too.  Despite living hundreds of years before Christ was born, Solomon's wisdom in the book of Proverbs speaks in a remarkable way to the pressures of December in the 21st century.

Written by pastor Steve Estes and beautifully illustrated by CEFC member Sarah Bland-Halulko, A Better December explores in a brief and easy-to-read way what Solomon has to say, and how Scripture points to "someone greater than Solomon" as truly the best thing that could possibly happen at Christmas.

CEFC has 100 copies of A Better December available at a great price. Whether looking for a copy for yourself, or as a gift to give to someone else, please contact the church office to reserve yours today.  Also available from New Growth Press.

Here’s a book like you’ve never read before. It meets us at the intersection of ancient biblical wisdom and the dreams, struggles, and disappointments that are part of our Christmas season. With humor, poignancy, and clarity Estes demonstrates that Solomon knew things about our holidays that we all need to know. With the help of Solomon, Estes shows you how you can have a Christmas that actually matches the message of the season you are celebrating.
— Paul Tripp, Paul Tripp Ministries; best-selling author of books on Christian living

Children's Christmas Party Wrap-Up

On Friday, December 5, 63 children in grades K-6, gathered together for our Children's Christmas Party, "Walking With the Wise Men," where they enjoyed "Go Fish Guys" music videos, created star ornaments, ate star shaped sugar cookies (both craft & snack to represent the star that the wise men followed), played games, and heard the wise men share about their journey to find the newborn King.  Praise God for the glorious good news of Christmas, and the many volunteers whose offering of time and talent helped to make the evening a success.  A very special thanks to our great God and Father, to those who lifted this evening up in prayer, and those many, many volunteers who contributed in various ways.

A Christmas Wish: 2014 Deacons' Christmas Project

There are two ways you can make Christmas happier for others this year.


The Deacons and the Missions Committee have partnered to collect gifts for Christ's Home for Children in Paradise, PA and accept donations to help fight Ebola in Africa.

Choose an ornament from the Giving Tree in the Gathering Room, shop for that item, and bring it to the church so we can give it to a deserving child at Christ's Home for Children. Or, make a monetary donation in the collection box next to the Giving Tree to help the people in Sierra Leone suffering from the effects of the Ebola epidemic. Please make checks payable to CEFC and write "Deacon Christmas" on the memo line.

Fighting Ebola in Sierra Leone

Musa's Story

The Ebola epidemic has impacted the economy of Sierra Leone such that people who were literally living day to day are now threatened with starvation.

Musa is Rick Renninger's point man in Sierra Leone. With a small team of volunteers, Musa has been distributing rice and medication since August. He has been able to help people like a school teacher Rick met while there, whose income has dropped to zero because schools are closed.

Besides helping Christians in need, Musa has reached out to a blind community, a village of Liberian refugees, people in remote villages, and a village of war-wounded people, many of whom have lost one or more limbs in Sierra Leone's brutal civil war between 1991 and 2002. Since Ebola victims' families are ostracized, Musa has also reached out to them in rice distribution.

We are seeing in this initiative not only an opportunity to love our neighbor, but to display the love of Christ, and it is not going unnoticed. A new church has already been planted, and the seed sown in preparation for a harvest that has already begun.

Please donate generously to purchase rise for Musa's people. Thank you.

Christ's Home for Children

Children are placed with Christ's Home for Children through county children and youth agencies primarily due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment. Children from birth to eighteen years of age receive services to address their medical, educational, emotional, spiritual, and social needs.

The mission of Christ's Home for Children is to serve needy or neglected children and youth by providing a stable, caring home built upon Biblical principles while meeting their educational, medical, emotional, and social needs.

e are committed to quality programming and services that exceed community standards while providing exceptional value.

We accept the authority of the Bible translated into action to meet the spiritual, physical, emotional, and social needs of those we serve.

We strive to fulfill the command of Jesus, "Love your neighbor as yourself," as an integral part of our daily ministry.

Visit our website at